Do you still have old sheets on your farm shed? If so, there’ll come a time when you consider renovating…

With over a century of experience in supporting British farmers with their farm buildings, we’re the agricultural building experts and with the right experts, renovation is easier than you think. 

Reasons for roof renovation: why choose Eternit fibre cement corrugated sheets?

Smooth renovation process


Smooth renovation process

A good installation company with experienced and skilled staff can ensure that your renovation runs smoothly. What do customers ask for most? In many cases, fibre cement corrugated sheets are chosen for the renovation of older materials, especially in naturally ventilated stables or open sheds.

Company image


Company image

An inevitable part of the renovation is the removal of old materials, and your company will make a much better and more professional impression if you have replaced an outdated older roof with new corrugated Eternit sheets. 

Reduced condensation drips


Reduced condensation drips

When the quality of older materials starts to deteriorate, your roof may start to leak. As well as not fitting in with your company image, this will cause your roof to be ineffective and not fit for purpose. Your farm shed must be a healthy and pleasant place for both people and animals alike.

Renovating your farm building with Eternit profiled sheets ensures a better climate for your farm buildings. Eternit fibre cement profiled sheeting is weather resistant but can absorb up to 25% of its dry weight in moisture. This reduces condensation drips caused by livestock respiration meaning lower humidity levels and dryer bedding materials.




Roof renovation is often discussed in sustainability plans. Particularly if you want to generate solar energy; solar panels may not be installed on older materials. However, thanks to its energy efficiency, sustainability, durability and distinct design, Eternit profiled sheeting is an increasingly popular choice for agricultural builds. Eternit sheets are energy efficient, sustainable, and durable, which are priorities when constructing or refurbishing a farm building. The wellbeing of the people using the facilities and the health of your stock depends on it.





In addition to the favorable price-quality ratio, there are more arguments for choosing fibre cement. It is durable, strong, and easy to work with. Furthermore, Eternit fibre cement sheets are breathable and sound-absorbing.

Quality assured

In the world of farming, Eternit is often mentioned in one sentence with words such as  quality, reliability, and service. After producing fibre cement corrugated sheets for the agricultural sector for over a century, we know what we’re doing. We understand what is needed. A roof specialist and partner you can rely on, regardless of weather or wind.


Get in touch

A member of the team will be happy to call you back with more information regarding your roof renovation, without obligation.

Do you want to know what a sample of Eternit fibre cement looks like?

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